Dr. Reginald Archibald - Rockefeller University Hospital
We have represented more than 200 abuse survivors who have pursued claims against Rockefeller University and/or Madison Square Boys and Girls Club as a result of sexual abuse by Dr. Reginald Archibald.
Can I Still File a Claim? The Child Victims Act gave survivors of childhood sexual abuse in New York a two year “window” to file a claim for the abuse they suffered regardless of their current age. That window closed in mid-August 2021. We do not know if the New York Assembly will re-open the window, but it still may be possible for some abuse survivors to pursue their claim against some entities. Please contact us to learn your options, including the possibility of trying resolve your claim without litigation.
Read Our Clients’ Lawsuit Filed Against Rockefeller University: 45 of our clients filed one of the first lawsuits against Rockefeller University for the sexual abuse they suffered at the hands of Dr. Reginald Archibald. Our clients alleged Rockefeller University knew or should have known that Dr. Archibald posed a danger to them and it failed to take reasonable steps to protect them from being abused by him. You can read the lawsuit by clicking this link: Traub et al. v. The Rockefeller University.
You can also watch interviews with some of our clients and attorneys regarding this case by clicking these links:
New York Doctor May Have Abused More than 1,000 Victims Over 40 Years
A Momentus Time for Abuse Survivors (Time Magazine)
Read the New Report on Dr. Archibald’s Abuse at Rockefeller University Hospital: We represent more than 200 of Dr. Reginald Archibald’s former patients from Rockefeller University Hospital. On May 23, 2019, the University released a new report regarding Dr. Archibald’s sexual abuse of his former patients.
The NY Post interviewed one of our attorneys, Jennifer Freeman, about the new report. You can read the interview by clicking this link.
Grand Jury Investigated Dr. Archibald in late 1960: The new report by Rockefeller University Hospital discloses that the New York County District Attorney’s Office issued a grand jury subpoena for Dr. Archibald’s medical records for two patients in late 1960 “presumably prompted by a complaint.” While Dr. Archibald was not charged with any offense, the report contains no evidence that Rockefeller University Hospital took any meaningful steps to determine whether he was using his position to sexually abuse his patients.
The Physician-in-Chief From 1960 to 1974 Received Multiple Complaints About Dr. Archibald: The new report indicates that the Physician-in-Chief of the Hospital from 1960 to 1974 received “several complaints” during his tenure “about Dr. Archibald’s examinations of patients’ genitals.” The report states the Physician-in-Chief admitted in 2004 that he “thought Archibald’s approach to examinations, in taking genital measurements, was questionable.” The report fails to explain why the Physician-in-Chief took no steps to investigate Dr. Archibald further or to protect his child patients from more abuse.
“Much of Archibald’s Behavior Must Be Seen as Motivated by Improper Sexual Interests”: Although the new report claims that some of what Dr. Archibald did was “reasonable in the context of his practice and research under standards at the time,” it admits that “much of Archibald’s behavior must be seen as motivated by improper sexual interests.” This admission supports our view: Dr. Archibald was a sexual predator who received sexual gratification from any interaction he had with a child.
Madison Square Boys Club: A number of our clients met Dr. Reginald Archibald through the Madison Square Boys Club, and we have learned that he sexually abused children at the Boys Club. You can read a New York Post story about our clients and an interview with one of our attorneys by clicking here. We are actively investigating what the Boys Club knew about Dr. Archibald, and we have asked it to share what it knows about him. If you met Dr. Archibald through the Boys Club, or have information regarding his role at the Boys Club, please contact us.
Update on Photographs: We have formally requested Rockefeller University Hospital return the photographs Dr. Archibald took of our clients, or explain what it has done to try to find them. Some of our clients and attorneys were interviewed about our efforts. You can read some of the news coverage here and here.
We represent approximately 150 former patients of Dr. Archibald who allege they were sexually abused by him under the guise of “treatment,” and we have interviewed many more. If you or someone you love was a patient of Dr. Archibald, please contact us for a confidential consultation. There is no charge for speaking with us.
We highly recommend that you speak with us to learn your legal rights before you contact Rockefeller University Hospital or its defense law firm that has sent letters to his patients. You do not have to talk with the University’s defense attorneys to obtain your medical records. Speak with us to learn your rights.
On October 5, 2018, the Rockefeller University Hospital released a statement regarding “inappropriate conduct” he engaged in during patient examinations. The hospital acknowledged the conduct and “deeply regret[s] pain and suffering caused to any of Dr. Archibald’s former patients.” Dr. Archibald studied “childhood growth and maturation.”
Below is a copy of the text from the University’s statement, followed by a copy of the letter that the University’s lawyers sent to some of Dr. Archibald’s former patients. We are attorneys who represent abuse survivors. We do not represent the University, Dr. Archibald, or any institution that allowed children to be abused. You can learn more about us by clicking here, and you can contact us for a free, confidential consultation by clicking here.
Rockefeller University Hospital | New York, NY | 1940..1946 |
Rockefeller University Hospital | New York, NY | 1948..1980 |